Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blogging, take two, okay lets go! (Chiaki)

So, we're back to this blogging thing again eh? We started this blog when we first started out and then it kinda failed because we were so busy doing everything else. You might be asking yourself, why will it work now since if nothing else we're busier now!

Well, we're going to have help. We have three happy bloggers and we're taking applications for more. There's plenty of room for more bloggers so if you're interested please apply! This blog will be where the hosts of the podcast will communicate to the community.

Things are going to keep changing as we continue to grow and we're going to continue to do our best as we try to keep bringing you more content and new ways to enjoy the A.A.A. Community and make your addiction worse!

So hang tight with us, and if you want to be a growing part of this community let us know, there's always room for more Anonymous Addicts!

Great to have you all,
